Preskočite na glavni sadržaj

Technical board

Technical Board shall consist of the Assistant to the Director-General for Standardization and the managers of standardization sectors.
The Technical Board shall be headed by its Head. The Head of the Technical Board shall be the Assistant to the Director-General for Standardization.
The Technical Board shall perform the following tasks:
  • adopt its Rules of Procedure
  • discuss and give proposals to the Director General and the Administrative Board of HZN on technical issues related to the Croatian standardization process
  • propose to the Director General the establishment of programming and technical committees, as well as their respective scopes of work
  • assign individual standardization projects to the existing technical committees and propose the establishment of the new ones
  • propose to the Director General the hiring of external consultants for preparing proposals for adopting Croatian standards in the sectors where the establishing of a technical committee is unfounded
  • on the proposal of technical committees and external consultants, propose to the Director General the preparation, amending and withdrawal of Croatian standards
  • twice a year propose to the Director General standardization work programmes with a list of all standardization projects, which shall be publicly available documents
HZN e-glasilo 12/2024
Službeno glasilo Hrvatskoga zavoda za norme (HZN e-glasilo) izlazi mjesečno (Odluka). Kao prilog službenomu glasilu nalazi se Oglasnik za normativne dokumente s podacima o rezultatima rada hrvatske, međunarodne i europske normizacije.

HZN e-glasilo obrađuje teme iz normizacije i donosi novosti iz HZN-a te međunarodnih i europskih normirnih tijela...
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